Health Quotes

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. When we are healthy, we are free of illness, disease, or infirmity. Managing our health can be challenging at times.[…] The post Health Quotes appeared first on Source: Quotes Like...

85 Influential Dale Carnegie Quotes

Dale Carnegie was an American writer and lecturer who developed courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Best known for his 1936 bestseller How to Win Friends and[…] The post 85 Influential Dale Carnegie Quotes...

5 Scientific Benefits of Crying It All Out

Some people need a good cry now and then. But, guess what? Science says so, too! The scientific benefits of crying show it may improve your health and wellbing. When you[…] The post 5 Scientific Benefits of Crying It All Out appeared first on

170 Lao Tzu Quotes

Whether you know him as Lao Tzu, Laozi, or Lao-Tze, this “Old Master” was a Chinese philosopher and writer. These Lao Tzu quotes give insight into this wise man and[…] The post 170 Lao Tzu Quotes appeared first on Source: Quotes...

Rumi Quotes

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī was a 13th century poet, faqih, Sufi mystic, and scholar from Persia. Rumi’s words transcend national borders and ethnic divisions, and he has consistently ranked among[…] The post Rumi Quotes appeared first on

Peace Quotes

Peace means many different things to different people. These peace quotes will help you find what it means to you. In the past, peace meant a time without wars, fighting,[…] The post Peace Quotes appeared first on Source: Quotes Like this:Like...