Finding Support

Gain healthy relationships to help you when finding support now that you have been released from prison with Life Change Choices.

It is the foundation that is always there for you when things begin to wear you down.  When you start to feel those feelings of self-doubt.  If you feel you are losing control.  Or on those days when nothing can ever go right.  Having a dependable support system of companions and family can make the difference.

When you walk out of prison for the first time, you may feel as though anyone who was once there will not be.  However, you will find that your real friends and family may.  Nobody expects you to land directly on your feet as soon as you exit the prison gates.  It takes time, and loved ones will understand the long journey you still have to go.

At times, we may feel like an exorcism is the solution.
This song – Where My Demons Hide”
by Imagine Dragons feels rather appropriate for this section.
Click Here to listen.

Why Finding Support Is So Important

Those you surround yourself with are those who will either stunt or exceed your personal growth.  Being around people who make you a better person who makes better decisions—is essential to your healthy return.  Hanging with your old friends or associates that landed you in prison in the first place — fast tracks you right back in.

A healthy environment is vital to your success, especially if you have children.  You will need to have a home and loved ones that are there to improve both you and your child’s lives.  If you have been out of your child’s life for awhile, a family counselor may be required.  Your child may not recognize you completely, or you may have missed a lot.  A counselor can help you with parenting techniques this broken relationship and show you have to make it grow into something even better.

Staying away from bad influences is not only limited to old friends and associates.  Sometimes the families that we are born into are just as unhealthy.  If this is the case, it is best to distance yourself for the time being or call on the phone instead of in person.  At least until you can stand on your own two feet.

Finding Support and healthy relationships will positively influence your mental state as well.  When you know that you have people who care about you.  It can be all the motivation you ever need.  They can help you with the motivation, you need to stay focused on your goals.  Supportive people are there to make sure you do not wallow in self-pity too.  It is common for those in your situation to fall into these slumps. However, when you have friends near you who care, you can get up and get things done.

Angela & Devilen - Finding Support

Angela & Devilen – Finding Support

Good: Watches Your Back and Bad: Filter Out

Good relationships are those that make you a better person for knowing that person.  That those people really are watching your back and not just saying that they are.  Good friends are not those that will get you to do something that will help get you sent back to prison.

There are many areas in which you will find that you need support.  If you are a parent you will need to learn how to create a safe environment for your child.  Family counselling can teach you parenting techniques.

Filter out bad relationships.  These are relationships that are toxic to your life and prevent you from becoming the person that you aim to be.  These relationships are found in all aspects of life such as friendships circles, work environments and even at home with your family.  Some families have codependent relationships and can become one of destruction.

SupportHow do I identify healthy relationships?

Finding support – These are the people who make you feel good inside.  People who go the mile with you, without ever expecting anything in return. They are the ones who see your worth, who ignore your past, and encourage you to not let it influence your future.  They are your number one motivators by being honest with you, helping you work on your weaknesses and strengthening your strong points even further.  These are the people you want to keep close to your heart.

Your healthy relationship with people will also have an effect on your mental psyche.  If you realize that there are people out there who root for you and support you, you will automatically feel more confident when taking your first steps out.  There is nothing more amazing than knowing you can do anything you set your mind to and people behind you will catch you from falling or keep running with you to the finish line.

A healthy person is not only one who is physically fit, but one who is mentally strong.  You are going to make mistakes and you are going to have negative thoughts and feelings.  When these occur and attack your inner soul, don’t sit around and wallow in it.  Look out for your support structure, communicate with them, and think of a solution.  You have your own life in your hands now and you need to empower yourself to take charge.

How To Find Support through Healthy Relationships

Having Healthy Relationships sounds great, and you may desire it.  However, finding these types of relationships may seem difficult.  Chances are, you already have them.  However, how can you identify a healthy relationship?

  • Looks past your history and recognizes how far you come.
  • Influences you towards achieving success in a variety of aspects of your life.
  • Assists you on in motivating and directing you towards what will benefit you to success.
  • Helps you stay away from old bad habits and situations that may lead you back into trouble.

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    These gold boxes in pages or posts throughout Life Change Choices website, like you see below, offer options for you to be able to make choices that are the best fit for you.

    Codependent Relationships

    Codependent Relationships

    Parenting Techniques

    Parenting Techniques

    Unhealthy Relationships

    Unhealthy Relationships

