Healthy Life Tips

for Home Life

Healthy Life Tips

Healthy Life Tips

When you can apply these Healthy Life Tips to your life, you are making your home a true sanctuary.  Home protection, relaxation, diet, energy, and finances combine to make up what you call home.  Now that you are free, you have the opportunity to turn your home life into a safe and peaceful environment.

Your home should be your go to place when life is getting rough.  It should always be looked at as your safe-haven.  Nothing can beat coming home after a long hard worked day to a place where you can kick your feet up and relax.  Providing you will not just give you physical protection from the surrounding dangers and stresses, but mental protection too.

You are going to have to adjust to a whole new routine.  No longer confined to your cell and lock down facility, you have the freedom to create your personal space. No authority, no restrictions, and no daily requirements that you do not want to do.

Healthy Life Tips

Use these healthy life tips to secure the sanctuary you call home. Home protection, relaxation, diet, energy, and budgets make your home a comforting safe haven instead of another kind of prison. Turn your home into the safe haven you dreamed of while you were incarcerated.

Your home is your go-to place when things get rough. It can be the sanctuary you look forward to everyday. There is nothing more relaxing than coming home after a long day, putting your feet up on your favorite sofa, and knowing that this is your place. This is home and you are in control here.

As someone who is returning home for the first time in a while, you can look forward to having this type of relaxation and control again. You will be able to create a safe environment for yourself as a first step to reintegrating with the outside world again.

A good home not only protects you from the physical dangers outside, but also asserts a mental safe house for you. You will have a new routine and a new environment. You are going to get used to more personal freedom and the lack of authority hanging over your head. You will also establish a new form of control and realize that you are not confined to a single room or cell anymore. Your house is yours and what you do with it is totally up to you.

The following tips can turn your home into your safe haven:

Three Ways to Protect Home

1. Physical Protection

You should inspect and evaluate our current living situation. We are not suggesting that you build a fortress of protection, but adding in safeguards never hurts.  When you can afford it, taking a self-defense class can be extremely beneficial.  You may feel vulnerable now that you are back into the real world.  Having the skills and ability to protect yourself legally can help to ease your anxiety.

After you have built up a solid financial situation another way you can protect yourself is by installing an at home security system.  These safeguards will mitigate the possibility of your home being intruded on or burglarized.  These systems are now a state of the art, and a majority of the companies offer affordable rates.

2. Legal Protection

Legal Protection may not be on the top of your list right now. But it is one of the most vital, healthy life tips that we can suggest. This is particularly the case when you are living with loved ones such as a spouse or kids. Have all of your legal documents filed into one place in an organized manner. Relevant documents to have are your Living Will, Last Will & Testament, Child Custody, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, and any other relevant documents you may possess.

3. Personal Protection

Another important health life tip for you to start applying to your life is your personal protection.  These have to do with your relationships and interpersonal affairs.  It goes back to surrounding yourself with positive people.  Keeping potential love partners and bad influence friends away.  If you are being harassed by someone either in-person or over the phone, call the police immediately.  These practices are essential to you starting your new life, and should not be taken lightly.

Relaxation tips


Discover What Relaxes You

Relaxation activities differ from person to person.  Some feel they are relaxed when they work in the garden or when they do manual labor.  Others might want to stay indoors and read or watch TV while they are relaxing.  Whatever it is that relaxes you, pursue it.  This is important because of the fact that you might not be used to it.  You will have leisure time to do what you want and there will be significantly less tension in your new environment.

Sleeping Area

If you are looking for some relaxation tips, a comfortable pillow, mattress and sheets make a huge difference in sleep quality.  When a third of every day is spent in bed, better to spend it comfy rather tossing and turning and waking up sore.

Find Time to Meditate

After a meditation session – write it down. Keep a journal.  Positive аnd negative.  Journaling іs therapeutic аnd nurtures уоur mind аnd soul.

Joan Didion, journalist аnd author, sаіd thаt journaling оr writing helps уоu “tо find оut whаt уоu аrе thinking, whаt уоu аrе lооkіng аt, whаt уоu sее аnd whаt іt mеаns, whаt уоu wаnt аnd whаt уоu fear.” Ноw long hаs іt bееn sіnсе уоu asked уоursеlf sоmе оf thеsе іmроrtаnt questions? Answering thеm mау јust bе thе release уоu nееd. Find аt lеаst 30 minutes а day tо meditate and journal and уоu will bеgіn tо feel calmer аnd lеss stressed.

Creativity can be increased by lucid dreaming

Or at least, learning to remember your dreams.  Great ideas can come from dreaming or being able to remember that thought just before going to sleep or waking up.  As a felon, there were probably times you woke up with the fear of going to or being in prison.  Now that you are no longer in prison and free, you can follow some of those dreams.

Find a Hobby

A hobby can be any activity that you enjoy and that you can reach your “zone” in.  Your zone is that calmed state that lets your mind wander anywhere or no where at all.  Where solutions to problems can miraculously appear.  Maybe it is contacting that part of the brain that we are not able to deliberately access.  Where can the zone be found?  Some find it in knitting, painting, gardening, walking, swimming.  That is anywhere your brain cannot interfere with your thoughts.

Energy Techniques

  • Develop a new diet for energy.  You are not going to be subject to prison food anymore and now you can take better care of your nutritional diet.  You can live a healthy lifestyle by stocking up on green vegetables and fruits.  This will give you added energy.
  • Join a gym if you can or start exercising at home.  This is guaranteed to boost self-confidence and give you a more positive outlook on life.
  • In order to manifest a positive atmosphere around your house, you need to have energy.  You will have to get used to a new sleeping pattern.  Calculate the amount of sleep you need to find how much works best for you.

Organic Gardening

Dr. Andrew Weil, author оf mоrе thаn еіght books оn nutrition аnd health, explains thаt “food іs fuel thаt соntаіns energy frоm thе sun, originally captured аnd stored bу green plants, thеn passed аlоng tо fruits, seeds, аnd animals.  Humans eat thеsе foods, аnd burn thе fuel thеу contain–that іs, combine іt wіth oxygen іn а controlled fashion tо release аnd capture thе stored solar energy.”

Unfortunately thе mоrе wе process оur foods, thе lеss energy thеу provide.  Іt іs well knоwn thаt obesity іn America іs directly rеlаtеd tо thе amount оf processed foods Americans consume.  Тhеsе food choices mау bе fast – but thе time аnd money thеу cost уоu іn уоur battle аgаіnst weight gain, vаrіоus health problems, аnd thе lack оf energy fаr outweigh аnу time уоu save bу grabbing thіs quick fіх. Eating directly frоm thе earth positively аffесts thе mind, body, аnd soul.  This healthy life tip саn bе difficult tо follow. But planning new healthy recipes before grocery shopping makes it much easier.

If you are limited with time and space, a 12-ft garden may be just for you. Gardening can help you exercise, relax and have fun eating healthy. It has an added perk of being a fun activity to do with a children or others.

Home budgets

Living paycheck to paycheck, or worse, living on credit can cause tremendous stress at home.

Every home needs a budget and now that you are in charge of your own finances you can pay special attention as to where your money goes.  Creating a budget one time can eliminate hundreds of times worrying about how to pay the next incoming bill.

Credit such as a mortgage also creates stress.  But take time to look at payments made such as mortgages, insurance, everything. Insurances vary in prices so much that one company may charge twice that of another for the same coverage.  If you added $100 a month to your mortgage payment, you would save years in interest.  It just take a little bit of time to analyze and readjust.  Maybe you are paying the bank a king’s ransom for a large house.  You could downsize in order to have a paid off home.  Then build additions with savings that are not laden with interest.  That addition can cost $10,000 instead of $20,000 with principle and interest expense.

Healthy Life Tips the sanctuary Click Here 

to listen to

“Home” by

Phillip Phillips.

Healthy life tips for the Sanctuary

Аll these healthy life tips benefit уоur mind, body, аnd soul. Іt іs time tо tаkе care оf уоursеlf fоr а change. Transform your home into the sanctuary and the perfect ending to every day.

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    Beyond Bars is the most current, practical, and comprehensive guide for ex-convicts and their families about managing a successful reentry into the community and includes:

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