Jobs that Hire Felons
Job Locator
Locate jobs that hire felons. Below are some companies that may have jobs that may employ ex-offenders. The job you apply for may vary in qualifications. The following companies are mostly part of nationwide chains. Some are franchises or independently owned. However, there is not an overall policy restricting hiring a felon as an an employee. Check back frequently as this list will be modified.
Hiring Policies
Often, companies that are not part of a big network are easier to find employment through, since they do not have overall, mandatory hiring policies. Local mom and pop stores are also good possibilities. In the future, we may be able to include some of these. Although, the company would not be in your location, a similar yellow pages category could offer ideas for job searches in your neighborhood.
Jobs that Hire Felons
Employer Local List
The following companies do not have policies restricting ex-offenders from being hired. They may offer jobs that hire felons. Each can vary for type of offense, when it occurred and position title. For companies that want you to apply online, print out online application and bring it with you to meet the hiring manager in person. Companies that have multiple locations have a * next to the name and the most central Tallahassee location is listed. For other locations you can note the location closest to you in the space provided. Another option is to check your local Yellow Pages Categories to get ideas for similar companies to add to your list.
Can You Contribute to Our Jobs that Hire Felons?
Readers: Please let us know if you know of companies where a felony criminal record would not automatically rule out an employee, from being hired. We need the company name, contact information, and how to apply. I can be contacted at: We will develop a contact page in the near future.
These gold boxes in pages or posts throughout Life Change Choices website, like you see below, offer options for you to be able to make choices that are the best fit for you.
Click the Employer Local List link below for list to open in new window.
Employment Interview for Felons
Employment Interview for Felons Lower those red flags What Employers Look for in and Interview An employment interview for felons can seem scary. But it needn't be if you're prepared. Employers interview prospective employees tо meet thе people bеhіnd thе applications...
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